English Subject Lead

Mrs K Peters

Mrs K Peters

KS1 Subject Lead

Miss E Middlemiss

Miss E Middlemiss

KS2 Subject Lead


Phonics and Early Reading 

At Kingsteignton School, we are passionate that all children become accurate, fluent, readers, who choose to read for pleasure. We know that reading is the key to learning; once a child has learned to read, they can read to learn. 

We follow the validated scheme, Read Write Inc.  Phonics is taught discretely and daily with all staff following the scheme with fidelity. Our children learn to read and write effectively and quickly using the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme. We make sure that children read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and the common exception words. This is so that, early on, they experience success and gain confidence that they are readers. Re-reading and discussing these books with their teacher supports their increasingly fluent decoding. 

There are lots of short films available on the website below, that show how we teach children to read and write with Read Write Inc. The film, ‘How to Say the Sounds’, is a good starting place. 


Your child's class teacher will also share films via Tapestry that will help you and your child practise together at home. 

Alongside their decodable reading book, we develop children’s reading for pleasure through the sharing of high-quality books. At the start of the year your child’s class teacher will have shared the film ‘Storytimes matter’, this film really highlights the power of story times and a film that we cannot recommend highly enough. 

We are currently developing our library so that children can also borrow quality texts to be shared at home alongside their decodable book. 


DfE Programme of Study - English

English Curriculum Documents


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